Covid 19
29 May 2021
The club continues to follow the Scottish Cycling guidance and is in the process of starting back club events as the lifting of restrictions allow. Check out the What's on calendar to see what is currently available.
14 April 2020
latest guidance from Scottish
Cycling, Cycling
Timetrials & Triathlon
Scotland is that all events are cancelled up to and including 30
June 2020.
This means in the short term, planned club open events before 1 July 2020 will be cancelled. Other regular club organised activities will remain suspended until further notice.
12 April 2020
While government advice has not changed with regards to cycling and exercise, Scottish Cycling has recently published advice on how to manage your cycling training. The key points are:
"The effectiveness of your immune system to fight viral infections can be compromised with sudden increases in exercise volume or higher bouts of intense exercise.
- If you are increasing your activity, this should always be progressed at a sensible rate
- It is important to consider the intensity of the exercise you are doing
- Training intensity should be reduced. It is advisable to remain within the aerobic zone and reduce the length of the rides with overall workload reduction. This is particularly so for your longer rides.
- The overall reduction should be around 10 – 15% to ensure you maintain fitness but avoid challenging your immune system
- Further explanation of the ‘Aerobic Zone’ can be found in the below info-graphic that provides guidelines for those using power, heart rate or working on ‘feel’. To help with understanding feel, we have used “Conversational Threshold” (but of course recognising that solo riding will mean no conversation, but it should help!) Using this guide it should be possible to easily remain in the aerobic zone.
- Should a rider have the desire to carry out any shorter, interval type efforts, the level of intensity should be reduced by 10 – 15%"
20 March 2020
As President of ERC I would like to implore club members, and the wider cycling community, to play our part in helping suppress the COVID-19 outbreak.
To avoid any ambiguity, the club committee's advice is not, I repeat NOT to go group riding until the guidance on social distancing changes.
I recognise that this is frustrating as our sport provides the freedom and camaraderie that we as humans crave. I am personally self isolating, and just riding alone and with my wife.
There are mixed messages out there. Committee members are aware that some individuals are riding in informal groups. British cycling is specifically allowing professionals to do group activity. We know advice is changing and it is likely that the rules will get tighter - a 2m rule today may become zero tolerance tomorrow.
Stay safe and keep the pedals turning one way or another,
Phil Darby
Cycling UK have published these Q&As
Q: What number of people are classed as a group?
Cycling UK: Two or more people.
Q: Can I ride with my friend if we live in the same household?
PHE (Public Health England): Yes, as long as you are feeling well and neither of you are showing any symptoms. You must abide by the guidelines for social distancing. Visits to cafes and pubs should be avoided to limit exposure to infection. You should carry tissues to use when cycling, disposing of them safely in a bin as soon as possible. Upon returning home, you must wash your hands. It’s also advisable to wash your cycling gloves, too. Remember to avoid touching your face if your hands are not clean.
17 March 2020
Based on the advice and guidance from the government and sports governing bodies linked to below, the club committee have decided to suspend all club organised activities until these guidelines change.
means in the short term, planned club open events before 1 May 2020
will be cancelled. Other regular club organised activities will be
suspended until further notice.
The committee will monitor the situation closely as it evolves and look to recommence activities at the earliest time possible after this.
Further information will be communicated via email and this page. We will also update the What's on calendar as things start up again.